

The Role of NLP In Healthcare

March 23, 2020 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team


Why is there a huge interest in Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the healthcare industry?

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

NLP is an algorithm-based principle that aids in the study of text data, images, and other unorganized data. It sums the entire journal data from which one can then make actionable insights. Today, the large majority of the data in healthcare is unorganized. This involves data in the form of records, instructions, blogs, and social media communications. In a situation like healthcare, it creates more sense to draw into the potential of unorganized data.

Use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in healthcare

The section of unorganized data in healthcare is as high as 80%. Without NLP, it is near to impossible to get the data understandable and useful. With NLP, it becomes simpler to handle this chunk. It is no wonder that the entire investment on NLP in healthcare was a big USD 1 billion in 2016. It is only continuing to rise, and it is foretold that it will become USD 2.6 billion in 2021.

One of the immediate results of NLP has been a decrease in the time needed to reach a clinical guideline. According to specialists, it has got down by 60%. In one such research, IBM Watson conducted a pilot program wherein IBM ran its algorithm over a humongous 21 million recordings and, with an efficiency of 85%, recognized 8500 patients who run a danger of congestive heart failure in a week.

Some areas where NLP can aid healthcare:

  • Summing long blocks of fictional text, such as clinical notes or scholarly newspaper article, by recognizing key ideas or expressions existing in the reference body.
  • Mapping data components present in unorganized text to organized lists in an electronic health record to enhance clinical data honesty.
  • Transforming data in the other way from machine-readable forms into natural language for writing and informative purposes.
  • Solving unusual free-text questions that need the combination of multiple data references.
  • Prepossessing in visual character identification to convert images, like PDF reports or scans of care surveys and imaging news, in-text lists that can then be parsed and interpreted.
  • Handling speech identification to enable users to manage clinical notes or other data that can then be converted into text.

Success of NLP in Healthcare

The healthcare ecosystem is growing. With the generation of intelligent technologies, the atmosphere is shifting more favorable to the use of NLP. First of all, the capacity to manage upsurge in health data has grown. The entire big data ecosystem has arrived collectively to manage the upsurge in data. Thanks to cloud computing, collecting data has become economically viable. By creating a sense of the data, the providers have understood that it is simpler to give a more accurate treatment, alias personalized healthcare.

Patient cooperation has also matured more fruitful as NLP has begun making sense of the EHR information. A set of algorithms can operate through humongous volumes of medical records and get sense out of those and gain useful knowledge, which can be utilized for developing patient literacy. With this, the requirement for advancement in healthcare status is approached right at its roots. Analytics also improves the classification of the patients who require care or drive the risk of an attack.

Real-World Examples of NLP in Healthcare

  • A real-life use case is the description of the distress signs in US war vets. With 80% efficiency, the code munched all the data of more than 2 million long EHR records. It originally recognized notices of suicide or suicide tries.
  • Speech perception, equipped with NLP, is performing a crucial role in transforming healthcare. It is saving time for caregivers with notes dictation and has streamlined the method of verbal instruction translation to EHR data and clinical documentation.
  • NLP is witnessing a rising use is clinical trial matching. This is assisting in reaching the goals for registration. Using NLP, healthcare organizations can recognize which problems require more extra heightened care coordination. NLP is unquestionably offering significant benefits to increasing the bar as far as the quality of care is involved.

How NLP can be used to deliver value-based care?

NLP tools may also allow a more effective way to estimate and enhance care quality. It can allow patients to shift from the current treatment plan to a more suitable one.

Healthcare is a complicated process. A notable degree of human engagement in the care cycle can introduce errors, sometimes probably dangerous ones. In a delicate situation, these mistakes can have a jeopardizing impact on care offerings. NLP algorithms can be applied to evaluate patient care and recognize these errors.

NLP tools can also establish a benchmark for doctors. Besides reducing the range of errors included in data extraction, they can discover a quality measure of care delivery.

In brief, one can reliably state that NLP has opened the information once resting unexploited below heaps of a document. With the right partner on board, healthcare organizations can begin harvesting the profits.


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Of course, caregivers on their path to value-based care delivery, where patient participation is critical, will be dissatisfied by this circumstance. In the world of healthcare data analytics, hopefully, nothing is unquantifiable. Caregivers may turn an abstract idea into a quantitative value that will aid them in making fact-based decisions by helping them to elicit the most effective channels, understand what attracts patients' attention, and see the true picture of patient involvement. Let's have a look at how we can accomplish this.

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For many caregivers, mobile patient applications are becoming the norm. Even as more and more providers consider buying and developing options, some may end up sticking with basic features (appointment scheduling, refills, billing, etc.). It is not necessarily a bad idea to start with basic features in a patient app. While basic features are important, choosing them may hinder your business's ability to reach long-term goals.

Liquid biopsies represent a revolutionary advancement in cancer detection and monitoring. By analyzing tiny fragments of DNA and other biomarkers in the blood, liquid biopsies offer a non-invasive, real-time glimpse into the presence and progression of cancer. This revolutionary method promises not only earlier detection but also a more personalized approach to treatment.

The goal of buying an EHR or any other type of medical software is to improve the efficiency of your practice for you, your employees, and your patients. Keep this in mind while selecting medical software that it can help you avoid making rash decisions that may look good on paper but don't provide your practice with more capabilities or increase the quality of care you provide to your patients.

Eucalyptus oil is quite a versatile aromatic oil that offers several benefits. Whether you’re looking to breathe easier, relieve pain, or simply uplift your mood, eucalyptus oil offers several benefits that can transform your daily routine.

Patient care today is disjointed, and most collaborators don't know what they are doing for a patient in real-time. Keeping track of the patient's entire care team (providers, payers, family members, etc.) as well as coordinating and integrating their electronic activities is what successful EHRs will need to handle with ease as they move from retrospective documentation to modern patient collaboration platforms. As of today, EHR apps are usually restricted to "legal entities" (e.g., a single hospital or hospital system or a single practice). To provide integrated and coordinated health care, EHR systems must open themselves up to outside boundaries, but few have done so.

Vicks VapoRub is a popular topical ointment that has been used for generations to provide relief from various ailments. This multipurpose ointment isn't just for soothing colds and coughs; it's a versatile remedy that can ease muscle aches, relieve headaches, and even tackle skin issues.

Clinical travel is increasingly popular due to the rapid development of IT, global medication, and dissatisfied clinical patients. To be sure, telemedicine likewise relies upon quiet consideration and clinical investigators' experience. An example of medical tourism is when you travel to another country to have a medical or dental procedure performed. Occasionally, medical tourists travel abroad to seek alternative treatment options not available in their home countries.

Chronic disease management is a critical area in healthcare, requiring ongoing care, patient engagement, and effective use of resources. Integrating AI with human touch can revolutionize this field by providing personalized and efficient care.

Medical devices must comply with strict general controls and procedural guidelines. To ensure the safety and efficacy of medical devices, standards must be developed and used. Several regulatory agencies and standards organizations collaborate in the development of accepted standards for medical equipment. The development of performance characteristics, characterization and testing methods, manufacturing practices, product standards, scientific protocols, compliance criteria, ingredient specifications, labeling, and other technical or policy criteria constitute standard-setting activities.

From preventing painful fractures to warding off osteoporosis, understanding and maintaining your bone density is key to staying vibrant and mobile as you age. High bone density is essential for a healthy, active life.

Lab management is impossible without proper inventory control. Compliance, results, accuracy, and patient safety suffer if inventory control is not maintained. Inventory control can be an effective way for staff members to learn the importance of personal responsibility in lab management and the need for systems and processes that are essential for efficient lab operations. In addition to better inventory control, there are several other advantages. The automation of inventory processes reinforces the importance of inventory control in good lab management.

In the fight against cancer, traditional chemotherapy has long been a cornerstone of treatment. However, as science advances, a new era of non-invasive therapies is emerging, offering promising alternatives that could transform cancer care.

There are few relationships more personal than that between patients and their doctors. Yet, many medical websites do not offer content personalization to strengthen and extend these bonds. The personalization of content can lead to the delivery of useful information, such as geo-targeted clinic searches and a 'recently visited' section that features pages and services from visitors' past entries.

Imagine tackling that nagging back pain or persistent headache not with synthetic drugs, but with the powerful, time-tested remedies found in your own kitchen or garden. Whether you're looking for a natural alternative for pain relief or just curious about holistic wellness, these remedies might just be your solution.

It's a big challenge for hospitals and health systems that patients are discharged, then re-admitted after returning home in short order. It's problematic for several reasons. Health and wellness are always top priorities for hospitals and health systems, which means that when a patient is discharged and suffers a setback that causes them to return to the hospital (usually within 30 days of discharge), it has a negative influence on their health and convenience.

Imagine a future where aging is not just slow decline, but a process we can actively control and delay. Imagine a world where our bodies stay young and flexible, not just by chance, but through cutting-edge science. Scientists are uncovering the mystery of how protein inhibition could revolutionize our understanding of aging. By targeting specific proteins that induce cellular damage and degradation, we may be able to stop the biological clock.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, patients need a convenient way to stay in touch with their care providers at any time, and providers need ways to save time for their physicians and nurses. A chatbot can serve both sides' needs and increase both the quality and availability of care.

CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary gene-editing technology that's making significant strides in cancer research. This technology offers the potential to rewrite cancer’s genetic code, opening doors to targeted therapies and personalized treatments that could transform how we approach one of the most formidable diseases.

Traditionally, healthcare marketers talked about "patient experience" within their industry. The focus has recently shifted to "consumer experience," and the reason is clear: retail giants continue pushing into the healthcare space, and with them, retail practices and an improved consumer experience.

Are you struggling with weight management or diabetes? GLP-1 drugs, like Wegovy and Zepbound, not only help control blood sugar levels but also offer a promising solution for weight loss.

Many areas of the healthcare business had been moving toward value-based care delivery and value-based payment models long before the coronavirus pandemic – some quicker than others. While dentistry is still lagging behind primary care in terms of the shift from volume to value, the epidemic has prompted many dentists and oral health practitioners to seriously assess the short- and long-term benefits of making this change. We need to step up our efforts now more than ever if we are to emerge from the epidemic with a strong and resilient oral health system.

Cancer diagnosis has evolved significantly over recent years, thanks to advancements in biomarker research. Biomarkers, which are measurable indicators of a biological state or condition, play a crucial role in detecting cancer at an early stage, determining prognosis, and guiding treatment decisions.

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