

Top Uses of Internet of Things in Healthcare

November 15, 2022 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team

Updated Version - July 15, 2023

The healthcare industry has started adopting the Internet of Things for patient care and tracking their needs. Remote monitoring, smart sensors, medical device integration, fitness trackers, wearable biometric sensors, glucose monitors, prescription dispensers, and smart beds, are all examples of adoption of Internet of Things in healthcare.


Lets look at the Top Uses of Internet of Things in Healthcare.

Top Uses of Internet of Things in Healthcare

  • Capsule Endoscopy

    The patient swallows a vitamin-sized tablet, which is attached to a tiny camera, which takes thousands of pictures of the patient's digestive tract, which can be analyzed by specialists to check for diseases such as colon cancer. Machine learning techniques are also used for image processing, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat their patients more effectively.

  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

    A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is a device used for monitoring blood glucose on a continual basis. A continuous glucose monitor consists of three parts: a small electrode placed under the skin, a transmitter sending readings at regular intervals, and a separate receiver.

  • Automated Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea at Home

    A rechargeable IoT sensor, fixed near the wind pipe on the lower part of the neck, collects cardio-respiratory signals and sends the data wirelessly to a phone or system.

  • Smart Contact Lenses

    Google has patented a technology of smart contact lenses which contain sensors and microcircuits. These smart contact lenses can detect changes in the eye fluid and aid in the diagnosis of conditions that may require medical intervention.

  • Ingestible Pills

    Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have designed a pill made from hydrogel with an attached sensor. The pill can stay in the stomach for an extended period of time. The device can be used to track gastrointestinal temperature and ulcers.


IoT can be used to fulfill the promise of personalized medicine, which aims to provide treatment based on a patient's lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors.

The future of IoT in healthcare is promising, as consumers are increasingly interested in collecting data about their bodies and learning more about their personal health. From a technical perspective, advances in the miniaturization of electronics have also made it possible to develop smaller devices and sensors that are more portable and suitable for internal use.

Helpful Information

What are the top applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare industry?

The top applications of IoT in healthcare include remote patient monitoring, telehealth, wearable health devices, medication management, and improved hospital operations. These applications allow for constant monitoring of patient's health, enabling proactive care, and improved health outcomes.

How does IoT improve patient care in healthcare?

IoT improves patient care by providing real-time health monitoring, thereby enabling early detection and prevention of diseases. It also enhances patient engagement through wearables and telehealth applications, allows better medication adherence, and reduces the rate of hospital readmissions through remote patient monitoring.

What is the role of IoT in remote patient monitoring?

IoT plays a crucial role in remote patient monitoring by connecting health monitoring devices to the internet, allowing for the continuous collection of patient health data. This data is shared with healthcare providers, enabling them to monitor patients' conditions in real-time, thus leading to timely interventions and improved healthcare outcomes.

How is IoT revolutionizing healthcare with wearable devices?

IoT is revolutionizing healthcare by integrating wearable devices that track key health indicators like heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, and physical activity. These devices provide real-time data, enabling patients and doctors to monitor health conditions closely and take proactive steps when necessary.

What is the impact of IoT on data management in healthcare?

IoT generates a vast amount of health data, revolutionizing data management in healthcare. It enables real-time data analysis, predictive analytics for disease diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. However, it also presents challenges like data security, patient privacy, and interoperability.

What are the benefits of IoT in telemedicine and telehealth?

IoT benefits telemedicine and telehealth by allowing real-time remote monitoring, video consultations, and virtual health assistance. This not only improves access to healthcare services, especially for those in remote areas or with mobility issues, but also reduces healthcare costs and hospital readmissions.

How does IoT contribute to improving healthcare outcomes?

IoT contributes to improved healthcare outcomes by enabling proactive health monitoring, early diagnosis of diseases, personalized treatments, and improved medication adherence. It allows for more patient-centric care, leading to better patient engagement and satisfaction.

How can IoT help in the early detection of diseases in healthcare?

IoT helps in the early detection of diseases through continuous health monitoring devices and wearables. These devices collect real-time health data that can help detect anomalies indicative of potential health issues, allowing for early intervention and prevention of serious conditions.

What are the challenges in implementing IoT in healthcare?

Challenges in implementing IoT in healthcare include data privacy and security concerns, integration and interoperability issues with existing systems, managing the vast amount of data generated, lack of standard regulations, and potential technology adoption resistance from some healthcare providers.

How does IoT help in reducing healthcare costs?

IoT helps in reducing healthcare costs by enabling remote patient monitoring, reducing hospital readmissions, and facilitating preventive healthcare. It also optimizes hospital operations and supply chain management, leading to further cost savings.

What is the future of IoT in healthcare?

The future of IoT in healthcare looks promising with advancements like AI-powered IoT devices for personalized treatment, smart hospitals, and more integrated telehealth services. However, the focus will also be on addressing challenges related to data security, privacy, and regulatory standards.

What are some real-life examples of IoT in healthcare?

Real-life examples of IoT in healthcare include wearable fitness trackers like Fitbit, remote patient monitoring systems, smart inhalers for asthma patients, connected insulin pumps for diabetics, and IoT-enabled hospital beds that automatically adjust to ensure patient comfort.

How is IoT assisting in medication management in healthcare?

IoT assists in medication management through smart pill dispensers and connected mobile apps that remind patients when to take their medication, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of over or under-dosing.

How does IoT technology support senior care and assisted living?

IoT technology supports senior care and assisted living by providing wearable devices for health monitoring, fall detection sensors, GPS trackers, and automated home systems, enhancing the safety and independence of seniors while providing peace of mind to caregivers.

Can IoT improve hospital management and operations?

Yes, IoT can significantly improve hospital management and operations. IoT-enabled devices and sensors can monitor and maintain hospital equipment, manage inventory, enhance patient care, streamline workflows, and even monitor energy usage, leading to operational efficiency.

What are the innovative ways IoT is being used in medical research?

IoT is being used innovatively in medical research through connected lab equipment for streamlined data collection, remote clinical trials, population health studies, and predictive modeling of disease outbreaks.

How is IoT transforming the healthcare supply chain?

IoT is transforming the healthcare supply chain by providing real-time tracking of medical supplies, predicting demand using data analytics, improving inventory management, and ensuring the right medical equipment and medication are available when needed.

What role does IoT play in enhancing patient engagement in healthcare?

IoT enhances patient engagement by providing wearable devices and apps that make health monitoring interactive and engaging. It also facilitates remote patient-doctor communication, encouraging patients to take an active role in their health management.


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