

Five ways Physicians can grow their practice online

September 3, 2020 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team

In today's digital era attracting new patients requires optimizing online presence. The internet search and social media have changed the way patients access healthcare. It's safe to say that by now most healthcare professionals understand the role of a solid web presence when it comes to attracting new patients and keeping onto existing ones. Keep reading to know what you need to do to grow your online presence.


Five Ways to Grow your Practice

  • Optimized Website

    One of the most important parts of any healthcare marketing strategy is your website, which reflects your brand or business. If your website is not updated, professional, and polished looking, your prospective patients might doubt the authority of your practice. Your practice's website should have a description of your practice and the services you offer, staff information, and your patient's testimonials. Once you have a practice's website, optimize it for more visibility. There are billions of websites online today. Make sure you have a solid SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) strategy to make your website visible to your target patients. An optimized website ranks higher in search results as well as it allows you to provide content meeting the needs of your patients. Even you can optimize your page speed to load it faster across multiple devices which gives a better user experience.

  • Enhanced Web Presence

    Your practice's website is just one component of your online presence. It's also vital to make sure that your other social media platform profiles are visible, updated, correct, and consistent. Have a complete, detailed profile on online directories and review sites such as Google maps. These sites can help you to improve your visibility and improve your search engine ranking. These sites will promote your website to your patients. Include some innovative features like online scheduling which make it easier for patients to fix an appointment hence increase your patient base.

  • Reputation Management

    Manage your reputation by collecting online patient reviews and testimonials on your website. A high profile review site is a key component in social media marketing. Some patients will take the initiative to write a review on their own, but some may need extra encouragement. And it's good to encourage your satisfied patients to go to your website and share their experience. This will improve your online brand presence.

  • Online Scheduling

    Gone are the days when a patient calls your office to schedule an appointment. According to a recent survey, 81% of patients would schedule an appointment with a doctor online if the option is given and 40% will look for another care provider just for online access. Modern healthcare practices make this easy for patients to schedule an appointment online at their own convenience. Online scheduling will benefit patients as well as your staff. Automating this process will decrease the pressure of your staff, thus enabling them to concentrate on patients who are presently there.

  • Social Media Presence

    Now everyone has a Facebook presence. Social media is available to everyone and a substantial population is active on it. Best of all its free to use and you should aim at building a strong online network. If you are not using Facebook or Twitter then it's the high time to create profiles on these platforms. More than half of millennial adults would like to be a friend with their care provider and follow them on social media and they find it convenient to contact their doctor through the social platform.

    Social media can be tricky but it's worth it if you are looking for a solid online presence. By using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Face book, you can promote your practice. Constantly share engaging content for your proposed patients to keep them engaged. Aim to share relevant content daily. Each post will expose your brand to new proposed patients. Keep in mind that you want to connect with patients, so your medical marketing content needs to be sentimental, attractive, and relatable. You can also use social media advertising to target your local patients and make them aware of the services you are offering. Undoubtedly, social media is one of the most attractive ways to connect with people who already like your practice. It's also essential for spreading to those who haven't heard of your brand. Social media can drive better growth for your business by promoting a loyal relationship with customers.

By using these five ways you are going to see results in your practice's online presence. In a world full of competition, make your practice stand out above the rest by making your practice more available and accessible online.


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