

Importance of Patient Education and Health Literacy for Healthcare

February 6, 2022 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team

Updated Version - July 21, 2023

Patient education is a relatively new thing within the field of health care. In the past, it consisted mainly of the transfer of knowledge and mostly biomedically based advice. Research has shown this to not be effective and sometimes counterproductive. As health care has moved away from applying a traditional paternalistic approach of 'doctor knows best' to a patient-centered care approach, patient education must be tailored to meet persons' individual needs.

There is a fine difference between health education and health literacy but it can make all the difference in the health of your patients and their ability to comply with treatment. One teaches patients about their health and ways to improve it while the other is the degree to which a patient can make appropriate health decisions. It's all part of the continuum of health education that helps patients engage in their health. Both are essential to improving outcomes.

Reasons why Patient Education and Health Literacy are Important?

  • Cost-Reduction

    The extent to which patients are educated about their health conditions is considered one of the most important aspects of chronic disease management. It shares information with the patient and brings them along the care journey in a realistic and informed manner. It can improve compliance and in the best case scenarios, can reduce rehospitalizations.

  • Prevention is Better than Cure

    We all must have heard this old saying that prevention can keep the disease under control before it worsens. For instance, by educating patients on the benefits of good nutrition and the need to avoid unhealthy diets s you may help reduce their risk of obesity. Weight gain often leads to the development of other conditions that could otherwise have been averted through patient education. This is the reason patient education is essential for faster recovery.

  • Creates Awareness

    Patient education also creates awareness. For instance, educating patients about the dangers of poor eating habits will help prevent the risk of disease. Moreover, teaching them about the importance of exercise to overall health can help reduce their risks of diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

  • Better Decision Makings

    In addition to increasing awareness, patient education also plays an active role in decision-making. When patients are allowed to participate in decision-making, they can easily identify errors thus reducing treatment complications. Patient education is the only sure way to prevent malpractice claims.

  • Knowledge is Power

    Patients should put in mind that education is power, meaning that patient education has an active role in improving their health. It allows them to monitor their health to identify mistakes that could diminish their chances of recovery. Today, most patients don't understand the importance of advocating for their rights and only heed doctors' advice.

How does Technology help to Enhance Health Literacy?

  • The more that patients use digital health tracking devices and conduct research on the internet, the higher their health literacy.
  • Certainly, social media has its pros and cons. However, according to a study, it can play an important role in educating people about conditions that may still have a stigma attached to them, like mental health issues.
  • Wearable fitness devices give patients more information on which to act, and monitor, their health. When they have more information they can be more engaged in their health.
  • Digital health literacy also helps patients to use patient portals and navigate electronic medical records, when available to them. The more that patients are comfortable with online platforms, the more health information can be pushed to them.


Physicians must promote patient education and engagement through improvement in patients' health literacy. Health literacy is defined as the capacity to seek, understand, and act on health information. The presumption has been that low health literacy means that physician communication is poorly understood, leading to incomplete self-health management and responsibility and incomplete health care utilization. It is the responsibility of physicians to proactively enable patients to have more accessible interactions and situations that promote health and well-being. Health literacy is the primary responsibility of physicians, given that it is physicians who determine the parameters of the health interaction, including physical setting, available time, communication style, content, modes of information provided, and concepts of sound health care decision crafting and acquiescence.

Helpful Information

What is patient education in healthcare?

Patient education in healthcare involves informing the patient about their health condition and its management. This includes explaining the diagnosis, treatment options, self-care strategies, and prevention measures, enabling the patient to actively participate in their own care.

Why is patient education important in healthcare?

Patient education is crucial in healthcare as it empowers patients to take control of their health. Educated patients are more likely to adhere to treatment plans, make healthy lifestyle choices, manage chronic conditions effectively, and have better health outcomes overall.

What is health literacy?

Health literacy refers to a person's ability to access, understand, and use health information to make informed decisions about their health and healthcare. This includes the ability to read and comprehend medical instructions, navigate the healthcare system, and communicate effectively with healthcare providers.

Why is health literacy important in healthcare?

Health literacy is important because it directly impacts a person's health outcomes. Individuals with higher health literacy are more likely to understand their health conditions, follow treatment plans, maintain preventive health practices, and achieve better health outcomes.

How does patient education contribute to health literacy?

Patient education contributes to health literacy by providing individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to understand their health conditions and navigate the healthcare system. It helps bridge the gap between complex medical information and the patient's understanding, making health information more accessible and understandable.

How does patient education improve patient adherence to treatment?

Patient education helps improve adherence to treatment by ensuring patients understand the benefits and potential side effects of their prescribed treatments. When patients understand why a treatment is necessary and how it works, they are more likely to follow through with their treatment plan.

What role does patient education play in chronic disease management?

In chronic disease management, patient education is key. Educated patients can better understand their condition, adhere to treatment plans, recognize early warning signs of complications, and make lifestyle changes necessary to manage their condition, leading to improved health outcomes and quality of life.

How does health literacy affect health outcomes?

Health literacy directly affects health outcomes. Individuals with low health literacy may struggle to understand medical instructions, leading to poor adherence to treatment, higher rates of hospitalization, and lower use of preventive services. This can result in poorer health outcomes and higher healthcare costs.

How can healthcare providers improve patient education?

Healthcare providers can improve patient education by using clear, simple language, avoiding medical jargon, utilizing visual aids, and checking for understanding by asking patients to explain the information in their own words. Providing written materials and digital resources can also enhance patient education.

What strategies can be used to improve health literacy?

Strategies to improve health literacy include simplifying health information, using visual aids, promoting open communication between patients and healthcare providers, and providing health education programs in schools and community settings. Health literacy can also be improved through policies that make the healthcare system easier to navigate.

How does patient education influence patient satisfaction?

Patient education can greatly influence patient satisfaction. Patients who understand their health conditions and treatments are likely to feel more in control and satisfied with their care. Education also helps to establish trust and improve communication between patients and healthcare providers, contributing to higher patient satisfaction.

What are the challenges in delivering patient education?

Challenges in delivering patient education can include language barriers, cultural differences, low literacy levels, and health beliefs that conflict with medical advice. Overcoming these challenges often requires tailored approaches to education that consider the patient's individual needs and circumstances.

Can health literacy impact health equity?

Yes, health literacy can impact health equity. Individuals with low health literacy, who are often from marginalized or underserved communities, are more likely to experience poor health outcomes. Improving health literacy is one strategy for addressing health disparities and advancing health equity.

Why is patient education important in the era of digital health?

In the era of digital health, patient education is more important than ever. With the rise of health apps, telemedicine, and online health information, patients need the skills to assess the quality and credibility of digital health resources, and to use digital health tools effectively.

How can technology be used in patient education?

Technology can be used in patient education in various ways, from online health portals and educational apps, to interactive games and virtual reality experiences. These technologies can deliver personalized education and enable patients to access information at their own pace, in their own time.

What is the role of patient education in preventive healthcare?

Patient education plays a crucial role in preventive healthcare. By educating patients about healthy behaviors, the risks and benefits of screenings, and the early signs of disease, healthcare providers can empower patients to take preventative measures and detect health issues early.

How does patient education affect healthcare costs?

Patient education can help reduce healthcare costs. Educated patients are more likely to adhere to treatment plans and engage in preventive health behaviors, leading to better health outcomes and fewer hospitalizations or emergency visits.

What is the impact of health literacy on public health?

Health literacy has a significant impact on public health. A population with high health literacy can better understand and respond to public health messages, engage in preventive health behaviors, and navigate the healthcare system, contributing to improved community health outcomes.

How can patient education be measured and evaluated?

Patient education can be measured and evaluated through patient surveys, tests of health knowledge, assessments of patient behavior (such as medication adherence), and health outcomes (like hospitalization rates). Feedback from patients can also provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of patient education strategies.

How does patient education and health literacy promote patient autonomy?

Patient education and health literacy promote patient autonomy by giving individuals the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their health. With an understanding of their condition and treatment options, patients can actively participate in their care and make choices that align with their health goals and values.


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