

How does EHR increase productivity?

March 12, 2020 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team

It's calculated that medical failures cost at least 19.5 billion dollars a year. While this amount is distressing on its own, the sum in the financial costs of lost productivity and the amount rises to $1 trillion. While this figure describes the cost to the nation as a whole, if your practice is losing just a portion of this amount to wasted productivity, the costs can be destructive.


Why some physician practices are not switching to EHR yet?

Although most of the physicians know the huge benefits of EHR. It is nearly impossible for big providers to maintain track of hundreds of thousands of patients receiving data from hundreds of various sources and the paper charts. Doctors have to wait for most clinical data to reach up to them; whereas in the case of using an EHR, they can easily get patient health data by entering a patient identification number.

It still could have been feasible for doctors to operate with paper charts but, that would mean seeing and checking lesser patients every day, frequently working late, encountering higher medical errors and consuming more time in management.

Here is how EHR can improve your productivity

  • Improved Collaboration

    Information collected by primary physicians can be easily shared, examined by specialists and other team members which results in avoiding duplicate testing, lower care costs hence provide better outcomes.

  • Efficient Documentation of Patient Records

    EHR helps you in efficiently documenting patient notes by using wizards and templates for faster data entry.

  • Flexibility

    Provides physicians the flexibility to review tests, view reports, submit prescriptions from outside of his office allowing greater freedom for physicians and increasing the speed of patient care. Instead of waiting for couriers or rushing back to the offices, doctors will have the flexibility to view the records on smartphones, tablets or desktop from anywhere at any time through internet access.

  • Efficiently Managing the Schedule

    EHR provides efficient management of schedules as the appointments are managed automatically and ensure optimized utilization of doctor's time and efforts.

  • Automatic Billing

    Manages the billing automatically by creating bills and automatic invoices and sends the invoices to particular patients through emails.

  • Manages Alerts

    It helps in sending and receiving critical alerts about the patient's medical status through emails.

  • Patient Engagement

    With the patient portal patient can log into their record, track information and make appointment requests through their portal. Patients receive important alerts about appointments and billing which helps to reduce staff's time.

  • Improved Quality Measures

    To address quality and security, EHR can automatically produce quality standards. This allows health care experts to more simply regulated performance. Besides improving the abilities of the care system, EHRs can blend with laboratories and can present data to public health agencies. The popular use of EHR has advanced the health care system. Now healthcare providers are recognizing the advantages of population health administration through EHRs. EHR systems are gathering a more valuable set of data completely accessible at any time and any place.

  • Focused Scheduling

    Productivity with an EHR isn't only about getting documentation prepared swiftly. Usually, productivity is defined by scheduling, and how effective you are with your time. Physicians who have done small changes to their scheduling rules, such as having two patients available to go when the office starts and giving patients an entrance time of 10 minutes before their appointment, can assist physicians to examine more extra patients per day.

  • Enhanced Decision Making

    In the clinical environments, EHRs decision support system supports physicians in choosing the best decisions. If we merge the power of clinical decision making support with real-time interaction in maintaining public health, we can recognize some errors and also correct clinical decisions. Frequently the EHR systems give an alert with notice if by any accident a doctor is prescribing something which can be dangerous for the patient with some allergies. This decision-support of EHR software is hugely profitable for the health care industry.

  • More Accessible Data with EHR

    The data transfer is complicated with paper records. What is so excellent about the EHR is that the data is far more established and quickly shareable. Communication is quicker and safer. The patients are no more needed to visit the laboratories to take the lab reports, automatic availability of the results is preserving time and efforts.

Over 60 percent of doctors who have upgraded their EHR system improved productivity and profits according to the study of MGMA(Medical Group Management Association). Here are a few additional ideas on how EHR systems help both doctors and patients:

  • EHR provides better management for patients.
  • EHR gives specific, timely and updated records of patients.
  • It enables immediate access to the patient's record for more integrated and effective care.
  • EHR enables safer and reliable prescriptions.
  • EHR helps physicians in diagnosing patients effectively, helps in reducing medical errors hence provides safer patient care.
  • EHR maintains the privacy and security of patient's data.
  • EHRs enable physicians to improve their efficiency and fulfill their business goals.
  • Helps in reducing cost by minimizing paper-work, duplication of testing.
  • More limited time spent on charting and recording information. Improved information availability.
  • Improved information availability.
  • Better management for your practice.
  • Limited paperwork.
  • Patient health history is more organized.
  • EHRs can help you in providing higher quality and better health care.
  • EHR helps you to manage patients efficiently and provides health care for them.

EHR as a means to give medical treatment fast and secure

Digital formation of records allows data to be handled and distributed over a safe system. It's the electronic folder including all the digital archives. This data is formatted digitally so it can be use-able by an electronic system to do tasks like tracing care with statistics and charts, to raise alerts. It allows a safer and more stable care method, improving the privacy and safety of patient's data. When information is regulated it can be efficiently handled by the tool to support the patients.

EHR can improve productivity/efficiency in primary care physician's workloads. Enabling physicians to improve efficiency and better work-life balance. With the help of technology and changes in health care, EHR can be a vital tool to improve your productivity.

While the evolution of new EHR technology can be challenging, various actions can be used to enable a practice to rapidly enhance productivity and overall revenue. Make the best choice and choose a system that can expand with your practice, give quality care for your patients and help you get paid for your efforts.


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